Why We Learn English-我们为何要学英文,Why We Learn English-

更新时间:2025-02-18 12:34:35 高中生作文

Why W Larn nglish-我们为何要学英文 英语作文网整理收集 Larning nglish is much mor than a fad; it is rally a must! Lt's tak a look around us: th latst information around th world is writtn in or translatd into nglish. To kp up with th vr-changing world, w must b quippd with a good command of nglish. From a mor practical point of viw, armd nglish is on of th most important rquird subjcts for th univrsity and high school ntranc xam. To do wll on th xam, w must, again, study hard to scor high in th subjct. Frankly, my nglish is not good. But I hav bn doing my bst to improv my nglish in ordr to pass th collg ntranc xamination .In my cas, I forc myslf to mmoriz at last a fw nw words vry day bcaus a larg vocabulary is ssntial in larning nglish wll. Scond, I rviw som grammar ruls vry wk, which hlps m mak fwr mistaks in writing nglish. Third, I rad short articls and thn writ an nglish composition vry othr day. I hop to gt high marks in both rading and writing. Now my nglish is improving day by day, and I hop I can do wll in th nglish tst for th coming collg xamination. 学英文不仅只是一个流行而已,而是一件必须要做的事。就让我们看看生活周遭的事物吧:世界上最新的信息是用英文写的,或是被译为英文。为了要跟上这日新又新的世界潮流,我们必须要具备好的英文能力。用一个更实际的观点来说,英文是大学课程中最重要的必修科目,也是高中联考中最重要的。为了能使考试成绩出色,我们要再次强调,要用功读英文才能得高分。 老实说,我的英文并不好。但是我一直在努力用功,使我的英文进步些,以使通过大学联考。就我而言,我每天强迫自己至少背几个单字,因为要学好英文,必须具备足够的字汇能力。其次,我每周阅读一些文法规则,让我在英文写作方面错误减少。第三,每隔二天,我就读些短文且写一篇英文作文。我希望在阅读及写作方面能得到高分。如今,我的英文每天都在进步,且我希望在未来的大学联考中英文考试能考得好。 Why W Larn nglish-我们为何要学英文 英语作文网整理收集

Why We Learn English-我们为何要学英文,Why We Learn English-

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