My 2005,My 2005范文

更新时间:2025-02-19 23:15:18 初中生作文

My 2005,My 2005范文My 2005 My 2005

My  2005,My  2005范文

2005 was a spcial yar for m, bcaus I was born in 1993. Thr was a turn of 12 yars from 1993 to 2005. Firstly, 2005 was a lucky yar for m. I got many important prizs in this yar, such as th first priz in nglish Comptition of Suzhou Primary School and th scond priz in th Jiangsu Provinc Computr Comptition. I was proud of thm, but I should mak grat fforts to turn th prssur into th powr

Scondly, 2005 was also a significant yar for m. I finishd my primary school and bcam a qualifid middl school studnt. Fortunatly, bcaus of my xcllnt rsults of study, I was rcommndd for admission to Li Da, th bst middl school, and without an ntranc xamination.

Thirdly, 2005 was also a yar full of challngs for m. As soon as I wnt to th Gat of Li Da, I was lctd monitor of my class. At that tim I was not vry happy, for I had a lot of work to do vryday and I found that I hav sldom fr tim to play. Many classmats smd to not to support my work willingly. Howvr, many days latr, I found my classmats wr vry kind of m. W wr unifid as on. I likd my nw school vry much.

Now, 2005 passd and 2006 coms. I bliv that 2006 will also b a wondrful and xciting yar for m. I will try my bst to mak my dram com tru. My 2005

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