比较说明:我们班的一对孪生姐妹-Twin Sisters in Our Clas.

更新时间:2025-02-18 03:29:14 高中生作文


比较说明:我们班的一对孪生姐妹-Twin Sisters in Our Clas.




Twin Sistrs in Our Class

Li Bao and Li Bi ar twin sistrs in our class. Thy look vry much alik. But thy ar diffrnt in charactr. Th formr is an introvrsiv①girl; th lattr xtrovrsiv②in doing things. In spit of this, thy hav many sam points.

Th two ar good at studis. Thy com, to school arly vry day. Bfor classs thy rad nglish or Chins txts and oftn rcit good articls or poms. In th classs thy listn to th tachrs attntivly.

Whn th tachrs ask qustions, thy ar always activ in answring thm. Aftr school thy carfully do thir homwork. If thy ar not clar of somthing thy ask th tachrs or classmats for hlp. Thy nvr lt off any problms that thy do not undrstand. So thy always achiv xcllnt marks in xaminations.

Thy both lik to hlp othrs. On th buss thy offr thir sats to th old. In th strts thy support th blind across th roads. At hom thy hlp th parnts with houswork. In th school thy lik to do somthingfor th tachrs and schoolmats. Onc Mr. Liu movd his hous,th twin sistrs carrid what thy could for th tachr till lat in th vning. Last trm I caught a bad cold and stayd in hospital. Li Bao and Li Bi dlivrd th mals from my hom to th hospital in turn. Bcaus of ths thy ar praisd by vrybody in our school.

Both of thm hav a prfrnc for③ singing and dancing. Aftr classs in th aftrnoons thy oftn tak part in singing and dancing activitis. So thy both sing bautifully and danc wll. Whn thr is a partv hld in our school thy ar crtainly actrsss. As soon as thir prformancs com to an nd, popl would rspond with warm applaus. Whnvr a classmat holds a birthday party th twin sistrs must b invitd to giv prformancs. And thy both nvr rfus to b prsnt. Of cours thy would sing swt songs or offr fin dancs.

Thos ar th sam points th two sistrs shar. Do you think that thy ar twins worthy of th nam?


①introvrsiv[?intr+u'v+:siv] adj.内向的

②xtrovrsiv [?kstr+'v+:siv] adj.外向的

③hav a prfrnc['prf+r+ns] for偏爱……,特别喜爱……


这是一篇比较型说明文,即谈论两个人或事物的相同点的文章。写这种文章时,在引言段要首先指出二者的不同点,然后将篇题落在二者的相同点上。这样,在扩充段中分别具体详细地说明二者的相同点。本文的篇题句是“… thy hav many sam points.”。三个扩充段的主题句都是段落开头的第一个句子。

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