通过实践提高英语水平(Improve Your English Through Practice)

更新时间:2025-02-18 01:30:36 高中生作文

aftr2 or3 yars' nglish larning, you will probably wondr how to furthr improv your nglish. whn you spak, do not translat what you want to say from chins into nglish. if you do, you'll gt mixd up in som usags①. you'll considr“wait”as a transitiv ② vrb, for instanc. you'll nvr add “to”aftr“listn”,but you might writ “shps” for th plural form, though you know thy'r wrong whn th mistaks ar pointd out.thrfor, to improv your nglish, you nd to practis your spokn nglish, and think in nglish. that is to say, you should build up your sns of th nglish languag.grasp any chanc to spak nglish. whn you s a dsk, for xampl, hav th word in your mind; say“what's th tim? it's&hllip;.”whn you s a clock. in this way, you'll b abl to larn with as and us with frdom. for xampl, you'll b abl to tll that“kora lis to th ast of china.”but“guangzhou liks in th south of china.”without hard thinking.w'r larning nglish as a forign languag. it is tru that w cannot larn it without any grammatical ruls. but, your sns of grammatical ruls coms from constant③ us of languag. it's unncssary to rcit th ruls and apply④ th ruls in spaking. in a word, you will improv your nglish only by opning your mouth to practis. practic maks prfct.“what if i mak mistaks in spaking nglish?”do not worry. you ndn't b afraid of making mistaks. vn whn popl spak thir nativ languag, thy may mak various kinds of mistaks! furthr, many kinds of mistaks will b rubbd off in th procss of larning through practic.

通过实践提高英语水平(Improve Your English Through Practice)

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