(same as U+9D6E 鵮) to peck, poverty; poor, things of the same value, to take; to fetch; to obtain, to select; to choose, (of a bird) to peck
【卯集下】【攴字部】㪠 ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:10
《集韻》口陷切,音䁍。《博雅》貪也。《類篇》物相値合也。 又《集韻》丘咸切。與𢽣同。鳥啄物也。
(same as U+9D6E 鵮) to peck, poverty; poor, things of the same value, to take; to fetch; to obtain, to select; to choose, (of a bird) to peck
【卯集下】【攴字部】㪠 ·康熙筆画:14 ·部外筆画:10
《集韻》口陷切,音䁍。《博雅》貪也。《類篇》物相値合也。 又《集韻》丘咸切。與𢽣同。鳥啄物也。