◎ 暂缺 zànquē
(1) [(of a post) be left vacant for the time being]∶[岗位]暂时缺人
(2) [(of a commodity)be out of stock at the moment]∶[商品]暂时无货
1.(of a post) be left vacant for the time being; (of a commodity) be out of stock at the moment
◎ 暂缺 zànquē
(1) [(of a post) be left vacant for the time being]∶[岗位]暂时缺人
(2) [(of a commodity)be out of stock at the moment]∶[商品]暂时无货
1.(of a post) be left vacant for the time being; (of a commodity) be out of stock at the moment
不久,短时间:暂时。暂且。暂缓。暂停。暂行办法。 ◎ 猝然。 ◎ 始,初:“或春苔兮始生,乍秋风兮暂起”。
不够:缺乏。缺少。缺憾。欠缺。缺漏。 ◎ 残破:缺点。缺口。缺陷。 ◎ 空额(指职位):缺额。补缺。 ◎ 该到而未到:缺勤。缺席。